This proposal responds directly to the community visioning report and is informed by twenty five years of community service and engagement by the Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation. It aspires to create a new landmark that reinforces community identity while providing healthy and affordable housing and essential community services. Its visual expression and planning speak to the rich ethnic diversity of its neighborhood with its dynamic mix of peoples from the Dominican Republic, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, Ecuador, Mexico and Bangladesh.

This proposal integrates a diverse mix of apartment and communal spaces to enhance social cohesion and opportunities for personal and group interaction at a variety of scales. Its shared spaces are oriented toward the surrounding neighborhood to create a sense of shared activity and engagement for seniors, children and everyone in between.

The City Line Assembly will create a new, highly visible landmark, indicating a place of concentrated amenities, services and connection. The creation of a passage and park between Grant Avenue and Eldert Lane will provide a variety of connections, uses and benefits. It will link green spaces at the larger urban scale, as it joins with Robert E. Venable Park, the Conduit Ave. median, and Eldert Lane. It will also create a pleasant link from the new development and the local neighborhood to the Liberty Avenue commercial corridor – which is the primary local shopping destination.

Cypress Hills Local Development Corp. & Riseboro Community Partners


115,000 sf
Brooklyn, NY


Bergen Terraces


Lighthouse Point